Project Details

Project management is like juggling three balls – time, cost and quality.
Program management is like a troupe of circus performers standing in a circle, each juggling three balls and swapping balls from time to time.

Web Development



This website is created to measure typing speed. The system will assess the user's typing speed after the user enters the provided text in 30 seconds. User need only press any key to begin. Each time, random words are generated using caps lock detection. Various statistics are provided, including word per minute rate and Char(correct/incorrect) statistics, accuracy, and right key presses. Following the test, statistics are displayed.
Tech Used: React.js, SCSS

July 2022

Your Space

Your Space

A place for productivity and organisation is YOUR SPACE. Unlike typical task management or note-taking websites, it offers much more. It has numerous unique features that will be very helpful to users, including a section for genre recommendations, a dictionary, and current affairs. Users can also bookmark their preferred websites. Our primary goal is to resolve the difficulties that our users' lives present.
Tech Used: EJS, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS(Express), MongoDB(mongoose), Authentication(passportJS)

Oct 2021 - Jan 2022

CF Stalker

CF Stalker

This is website for analytics visualization site for Codeforces online judge users using Codeforces API. Current features included are: Verdicts chart, Languages chart, Tags chart, Levels chart, Total tried problems count, Total solved problems count, Average and max attempts, Count of problems solved with one submission, Max AC for a single problem (It indicates in how many ways someone solved a problem) . List of unsolved problems
Tech Used:React.js, Node.js, CodeForces API, HTML, CSS

March 2022

To be Completed


Virtual Darshan

Ecommerce website built using React.js with all the features of a real shopping website, including the ability to add items to a shopping cart, the ability to dynamically add total prices to the cart, the Stripe payment gateway, and an authentication system for security and data synchronisation.
Tech Used: React.js, Redux, Router, Firebase, Stripe

July 2022 - Present

Python Project

Lira- Personal Assistant

This personal assistant can be used for a variety of roles. You can use it to send mail to any address you choose, play music, access Wikipedia search results, check the weather, open applications on your computer, and more.
Packages Used: pyttsx3, speechRecognition, wikipedia, pyaudio

December 2021

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